Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  1. Full Paper must be submitted in English
  2. The title should contain a maximum of 15 words (excluded preposition)
  3. The abstract should be written in English and Indonesian if the article is in Indonesian and in English only if the article is in English. Abstract should be between 150 and 200 words to cover background, setting, methods, results and conclusion with four or five keywords.
  4. Article should be between 5,000 and 8,000 words, including references and footnotes.
  5. Article must be a study base on either literature (text) or field research.
  6. Article should be submitted in Word (Times New Romans font, single-spaced and 12 character).
  7. Please be noted that Studia allows quotation from classic languages in Latin only; any other quotations in Greek, Hebrew, Arabic etc., and any symbol characters are not permitted.
  8. Heading:
  • First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Conclusion) should be in bold with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
  • Second-level headings should be in bold italics with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
  • Third-level headings should be in italics with a capital letter for any proper nouns and words other than articles.
  1. The table is displayed in the center with the table title displayed at the top of the table placed in the center and written in Times New Roman font size 10. The words "Table" and "number" are written in bold (bold), while the table title is writtenArabic numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) are used as numbering table titles.The type and size of the font for the contents of the table uses Times New Roman font size 10 with spacing 1. The inclusion of the source or table description is placed below the table, left aligned, using Times New Roman font size 10. These instructions can be found in the template provided by Studia Philosophica et Theologica.
  2. Citation with pages and Bibliography style use Mendeley tools with Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition with full note. The citation page/s should be indicated. Notes and Bibliography Chicago Style
  3. References are minimum thirty sources.
  4. The article submitted will be peer-reviewed by qualified academics; this process may take weeks or months. All submitted papers are subject to review of the editors, editorial board, and reviewers.
  5. The author should be willing to respond questions from the readers of his/her article; in case there is corrections, the author must revise the article as soon as possible.
  6. The article must include name of the author(s), affiliation, and e-mail address.

The Article Structure

Please download the template provided by Studia Philosophica et Theologica and write an article on it by following the following structure.

Title of article should contain a maximum of 15 words (excluded preposition)

Abstract should be written in English and Indonesian if the article is in Indonesian and in English only if the article is in English. Abstract should be between 150 and 200 words to cover background, setting, methods, results and conclusion.

  • Background: shows the important, relevance and knowledge gap that your study intention.
  • Setting: is the state the setting for study
  • Methods: expresses the basic design of the study and namely or describe the methods used without going into excessive detail.
  • Results: are the main findings.
  • Conclusion is state conclusion and any impact or recommendations.
  • Keywords: Abstract should have four or five keywords.

Do not cite any reference in the abstract.

Introduction should contain an argument for social and scientific value, conceptual framework, aim and objectives of research.

  • Social value is about the clear and logical argument for the importance and relevance of the research which is accentuated at the first part of introduction and supported by use of evidence from literature.
  • Scientific value is the successive part of introduction, which should make clear and logical argument for the originality of research. This section should include a summary of what is already known about the specific topic, and should clarify the gab that this research will address. The argument should be supported by using of evidence form the literature.
  • Conceptual framework is about to describe of underlying theoretical basis for the research and how the theories are linked together in framework of concept. The theoretical evidence used to construct the conceptual framework should base on the literature.
  • Aim and objectives are to conclude the introduction which contain summary of the aim and objectives of research (show with status questions).

Methods and design should address:

  • Study design: is an outline of type of research design.
  • Setting: is a description of the setting of research; for example, a type of dialog institution which is the research is conducted. The research shows description of sample size which is justified in this research.
  • Intervention or comparison groups: is to address description of intervention and what happened to the comparison groups.
  • Data collection: is defined with tools in order for their validity and describe how data were collected and any key issues involved.
  • Describe the analysis data collections process, for example, statistical tests.

Results should be in a logical sequence that addresses the aim and objectives of the research which could use tables and figures as required to present findings; quotations use to establish an interpretation of qualitative data.

Discussion should address these elements:

  • Make summarize the key findings.
  • Explanation the key findings in relationship with previous researches or knowledge.
  • Description of the strengths and limitations of the research and what the reader should take into account at research results.
  • Newness of research should be shown.
  • Implications and recommendations for the future research should be flown directly form the findings.

Conclusion should be brief as the summaries the results and meaning in relation to objective of research.