Article Template

Sinta 3

MoU FORUM Dengan Asosiasi Filsafat Teologi Indonesia (AFTI)


Author Guidelines
The Article Structure
Please download the template provided by Studia Philosophica et Theologica and write an article on it by following the following structure.
Title of article should contain a maximum of 15 words (excluded preposition)
Abstract should be written in English and Indonesian if the article is in Indonesian and in English only if the article is in English. Abstract should be between 150 and 200 words to cover background, setting, methods, results and conclusion.
Do not cite any reference in the abstract.
Introduction should contain an argument for social and scientific value, conceptual framework, aim and objectives of research.
Methods and design should address:
Results should be in a logical sequence that addresses the aim and objectives of the research which could use tables and figures as required to present findings; quotations use to establish an interpretation of qualitative data.
Discussion should address these elements:
Conclusion should be brief as the summaries the results and meaning in relation to objective of research.
Publisher :
P3M Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana Malang
Jl. Terusan Rajabasa 2 Malang 65746 Indonesia
Telp. 0341-552120 / Fax. 0341-566676