Philosophica et Theologica2024-05-06T07:53:10+07:00FX. Eko Armada Riyantostftws@gmail.comOpen Journal Systemsfilsafat,teologi Keperawanan Masa Kini2024-05-03T10:18:35+07:00Cicilia<p>Di era teknologi yang berkembang pesat tidak serta merta dapat mengubah pandangan seseorang tentang makna keperawanan. Konsep keperawanan dari dulu hingga saat ini masih sering diasumsikan dengan tubuh perempuan. Melalui sejarah dapat dilihat bahwa sejak dulu hingga kini keperawanan masih menjadi hal penting yang harus dijaga perempuan. Meskipun di beberapa tempat terdapat perbedaan pemahaman tentang keperawanan. Perbedaan ini kemudian membantu kita untuk melihat konsep keperawanan yang mulai mengalami perubahan di era modern. Artikel ini akan membidik tentang konsep keperawanan masa kini. Metode yang dilakukan adalah analisis buku tentang seksualitas yang berfokus pada keperawanan yang ditulis oleh beberapa pengarang. Melalui beberapa penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep keperawanan mulai bergeser dan tidak menyudutkan perempuan semata. Saat ini hal yang paling mendesak dan sangat dibutuhkan adalah pendidikan seksual sejak dini. Informasi yang mudah diakses di satu sisi dapat menguntungkan dan di sisi lain dapat menjerumuskan. Orang tua berperan penting untuk memulai pendidikan seksual sejak dini. Hal ini untuk membantu anak-anak dalam memahami tubuh dan emosinya, terutama yang berkaitan dengan afeksi pada lawan jenis. Melalui pemaparan sejarah tentang seksualitas, kita dapat melihat bahwa selama ini pemahaman tentang keperawanan hanyalah mitos belaka.</p>2024-04-29T08:50:32+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Pertautan Teologis antara Tubuh dan Ibadah Menurut Roma 12:12024-05-03T10:18:35+07:00Romelus<p><em>The orientation of the body to worship God through worship is an important principle in Christianity because it is for this purpose that humans were created by God. However, the problem that is immediately faced is the emergence of various discourses about the body which tend not to open up space for connectivity between the body and worship as a meaningful relationship for human existence as religious beings. The problem is that the body is often seen as a material object that is mortal and does not contain any special qualities in the practice of worship. Even if the body is useful, it is only a means that is limited in time and space. The aim of this research is to question this perspective based on the text Romans 12:1 and target the theological connection between the body and worship in their respective specialties. This research uses a library research method by investigating through literature selected according to the objectives of this research and supported by hermeneutics as a method of interpreting biblical texts. The results of this research show that the theological link between the body and worship is visible through the destination of the body and the continuity of worship which is eternal or eternal. This is what allows the offering of the body to become a manifestation of true worship to God.</em></p>2024-04-29T08:51:39+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Yang Menderita sebagai Kekuatan Menghadapi Penderitaan2024-05-03T10:18:35+07:00Fransiskus Sailtus Bembidembitfranki@gmail.comHenricus Pidyarto Gunawanpidyoc@gmail.comValentiuns<p>This paper describes the suffering God as strength in facing suffering. This research departs from the philosophical-theological issues about evil and suffering in relation to the existence of God; If God exists why is there evil and suffering? Philosophy by using pure reason tries to keep looking for answers to the problem and the final answer is that there is no satisfactory answer. Whereas theology, based on revelation and with the help of reason, provides the final answer that closes the entire series of questions, namely that evil and suffering are mysteries. Humans will not get a definite answer to this problem, but one thing that is certain is that humans experience evil and suffering in the world. Therefore, there are two main problems involved in this research. <em>First</em>, what is the philosophical-theological view of the existence of God in relation to the phenomenon of evil and human suffering? <em>Second,</em> what is the Christian response to human suffering in light of the event of God suffering? This study uses a qualitative method with a doctrinal approach. This research more or less refers to the Encyclical Salvifici Doloris from John Paul II, the Encyclical Spe Salvi from Benedict XVI, and the book <em>Iman Katolik: Buku Informasi dan Referensi </em>from the Indonesian Bishops' Conference. This research found two things, <em>first</em>, Christ's suffering on the cross is proof of God's existence. <em>Second</em>, the God who suffers is strength in the face of suffering.</p>2024-04-29T08:53:22+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Übermensch Dalam Pandangan Nietzsche Dan Peran Gereja Dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di NTT2024-05-03T10:18:35+07:00Rolin Ferdilianto Sandelgus Taneotaneorolin@gmail.comEbenhaizer I. Nuban Timonubantimo@gmail.comArly E. M. de Haandehaan@gmail.comEndang D.<p><em>Poverty in East Nusa Tenggara is a serious problem that has been as truggle for the government, the church, and the people of NTT for years. Various ways have been taken to overcome this problem, for example the structure of society that must be changed, reducing excessive spending budgets, access roads to remote areas that must be repaired. Poverty in NTT can be overcome by building a market network. However, specifically in this paper, we will look at the potential of NTT people to be empowered to become superior human beings as Nietzsche thought. Indeed, Nietzsche’s thinking is often taken to the extreme because his critique of Christianity is hard to forgive. However, we see that behind his controversial thinking, there are positive values that we can gain and try to put into practice in the context of poverty in NTT. Therefore, it is very important for us to move away from our views that reject radically his thoughts while trying to learn critically about what is the essence of Nietzsche’s thinking and the extent to which it is relevant to the context of poverty in NTT.</em></p>2024-04-29T08:32:18+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Moderasi Beragama Dalam Kacamata John S. Dunne Mengenai Passing Over and Coming Back2024-05-03T10:18:35+07:00Vincentius Happy Bayu Widyawanvincentiusbayu09@gmail.comMartinus Joko<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>In 2016, the Ministry of Religious Affairs promoted the idea of religious moderation. This idea was put forward to overcome the threat of extremism, create a harmonious society and find a middle path in religious life. However, in its implementation, religious moderation remains open to the theoretical frameworks of different religions. Development of this idea must continue to develop a mature theoretical framework that can be understood and applied. To enrich this theoretical framework, religious moderation will be analyzed using John S. Dunne's thoughts on leaving and returning. The Passing Over and Coming Back method shows how people temporarily switch from their own perspective to someone else's, then return to a much more moderate perspective. This theory will be used to analyze the framework reflecting religious moderation proposed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Thus, through this article, we hope to enrich the theoretical framework of religious moderation and explore the contribution of John S. Dunne's thought to religious moderation.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Pada tahun 2016, Kementerian Agama menggaungkan ide mengenai Moderasi Beragama. Ide ini dimunculkan untuk mengatasi ancaman radikalisme, menciptakan masyarakat yang harmonis, dan menemukan jalan tengah dalam hidup beragama. Akan tetapi, dalam pelaksanaannya Moderasi Beragama masih terbuka terhadap kerangka teoritis dari berbagai agama. Pengembangan ide ini perlu untuk terus dilakukan agar memiliki kerangka teoritis yang matang, sehingga dapat dipahami dan diterapkan dengan baik. Untuk memperkaya kerangka teoritis tersebut, Moderasi Beragama akan akan dianalisis dengan pemikiran John S. Dunne mengenai <em>passing over and coming back. </em>Metode <em>Passing Over and Coming Back </em>berbicara mengenai bagaimana orang untuk sementara waktu berpindah dari sudut pandangnya sendiri ke sudut pandang orang lain dan kemudian kembali dengan sudut pandang yang jauh lebih moderat. Teori ini akan digunakan untuk menganalisis kerangka berpikir Moderasi Beragama yang ditawarkan oleh Kementerian Agama. Dengan demikian, melalui tulisan ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya kerangka teoritis Moderasi Beragama dan menemukan kontribusi pemikiran John S. Dunne terhadap Moderasi Beragama.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Disabilitas dan Hubungannya dengan Teologi Belas Kasih Katolik2024-05-06T07:49:57+07:00Megawati Naibahocarolinekym79@gmail.comAntonius P<p><strong>Abstract:</strong></p> <p>Humans are the image of God and have the dignity of life as a special gift from God. In this regard, it must be noted that gender differences as men or women, normal physical conditions or as people with disabilities are never a measure of human dignity. Women with disabilities have the right to live and be loved like other human beings. Discrimination and various acts of injustice against women with disabilities are a moral issue that threatens the value of equal human dignity. This research aims to call for the need to realize Catholic theology of compassion, especially for women with disabilities. Women with disabilities are often ignored in various groups such as families, local communities, and in religious/religious circles. To overcome these problems and collect data and analyze problems comprehensively, this research uses case studies and qualitative methods through literature studies. Thus, the problem is studied through quantitative and qualitative approaches. First, I will explain that women with disabilities experience marginalization in general society; second, I will outline the idea of Catholic theology of mercy; Third, build a theological reflection and show the possible direction of pastoral theology. Through this research, the author hopes to be able to tell the concrete experiences of women with disabilities in relation to Catholic theology of compassion. In this way, it is hoped that there will be a joint movement that will increasingly promote peace, love, justice and prosperity.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: human dignity; women with disabilities; mercy; discrimination</p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## as Locus of Theology Religious Pluralism2024-05-06T07:53:10+07:00Paul A.<p>-</p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##