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Paul A Bharathi, Asia as Locus of Theology Religious Pluralism
Ecclesiologies.” In Zeitschrift Fü r Missionswissenschaft Und Religionswissenschaft,
235–240, 1989.
Gener, Timoteo D. “Doing Contextual Systematic Theology in Asia: Challenges and
Prospects.” Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology 22, no. 1–2 (2018): 49–68.
Ho, Huang Po. “Theologies in Asia and Asian Theologies; A Radical Paradigm Shift of
Doing Theologies from Contexts.” Concillium 1 (2022): 22–32.
Jan, Wang Shik. “Relativism and Difference: Toward a Genuine Pluralism- The MultiReligious Situation in Asia and Its Challenges to the Mission.” Theologies and Cultures
XIV (2008): 128.
Mesa, Jose “Making Salvation Concrete and Jesus Real-Trends in Asian Christology.”
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Themes for a Contextual Theology Today,” 1st ed. Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidayapeeth
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Pawlik, Kamil. “Inter-Religious Dialogue According to Karl Rahner.” Pontificia Universita
Gregoriana, Facolta di Teologia-Dipartimento di Teologia Fondamentale, 2021.
Pieris, Aloysius. “Towards an Asian Theology of Liberation: Some Religio-Cultural
Guidelines.” Vidayjyothi 43 (1979): 261–84.
Sahu, Manas Kumar. “Religious Pluralism and Interreligious Dialogue.” Journal of
Humanities and Social Science 47, no. 7 (2019): 57–62.
Sedmak, Clements. “Spiritual Resilience-A Contextual Theology for Asia.” Landas 24, no. 1
(2010): 19–30.
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University of Madras Chennai, 1995.