Studia Philosophica et Theologica filsafat,teologi en-US (FX. Eko Armada Riyanto) (Mathias Jebaru Adon) Wed, 30 Oct 2024 08:53:14 +0700 OJS 60 Manusia Dalam Logika Politik di Era Media Digital <p>Political praxis in the digital media era often contains biases in understanding human dignity. This article wants to investigate whether the political logic in such an era contains certain concepts about humans that are implicit, hidden, or intentionally hidden. The theoretical framework of Shoshana Zuboff and Agus Sudibyo's thoughts on "Capital Surveillance" and "Digital Universe" is the reference used by the author to see to what extent the role of the use of digital technology and virtual spaces in political propaganda contains humanitarian biases and does not direct political goals on human dignity. The results of the author's observations and research show that political praxis in the digital media era has utilized humanitarian issues only for the sake of pragmatic and transactional electoral political interests. The author finds that human dignity in political practice in the digital media era is only an instrument, not a goal.</p> Emanuel Prasetyono, Pius Pandor ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 08:56:45 +0700 Gereja Katolik dan Pengentasan Pengangguran Pemuda di Era Bonus Demografi <p>Youth unemployment in Indonesia remains notably high at 9.25%, posing a potential threat to the optimal utilization of the demographic dividend anticipated to peak by 2030. This research seeks to explore how the Catholic Church can contribute to addressing youth unemployment during this critical period. By employing the theoretical framework of Catholic social teaching—focusing on the principles of human dignity, solidarity, and integral justice—the study examines the Church's role, potential, and concrete opportunities in mitigating youth unemployment, and provides recommendations for key programs. A qualitative approach is used, involving a literature review of Catholic social teaching documents and analysis of secondary data. The study's findings suggest that the Catholic Church holds strategic potential through its extensive network of parishes and institutions to assist in resolving the youth unemployment issue. Suggested priority programs include skills training, educational scholarships, job fairs, the establishment of youth empowerment institutions, vocational schools, research centers, and business incubators. Effective cross-sector collaboration is crucial to ensuring that these Church-initiated programs function efficiently and offer long- term benefits to Indonesian youth, helping them seize the opportunities presented by the 2030 demographic bonus. This research adds to the understanding of the potential contributions of religious institutions in addressing contemporary socio-economic challenges and opens avenues for further study on the intersection of religion, public policy, and economic development within the framework of Indonesia‘s demographic dividend.</p> Florentina Patricia, Constantine Olot, Dieler Steven ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:36:19 +0700 Analisis Teologi Inkulturasi Lukisan Perjamuan Kana dan Gerakan Sego Mubeng Gereja St Antonius Kotabaru Yogyakarta <p>Inculturation in the context of religious life extends beyond mere adaptation in liturgical practices to permeate various aspects of human existence. This process involves the integration of cultural elements with spiritual values, fostering a harmonious unity between spirituality and everyday human reality. Two concrete examples of inculturation are explored: the Painting of the Wedding at Cana and the social movement of Sego Mubeng at St. Antonius Kotabaru Church, Yogyakarta. Through an in-depth analysis of these manifestations, the close relationship between art, daily life, and spirituality is highlighted. The painting serves as a medium to reflect religious values within the local cultural context, while Sego Mubeng demonstrates that inculturation extends beyond religious rituals into everyday activities, particularly in providing food assistance to those in need. This research enhances our understanding of how inculturation bridges the spiritual and earthly dimensions, as well as the complexity of its role in shaping worldviews and human behavior.</p> Amadea Prajna Putra Mahardika ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 09:51:59 +0700 Antiphona ad Introitum dalam Missale Romanum Paulus VI: Asal Usul, Evolusi, Teologi <p style="font-weight: 400;">Antiphona ad Introitum or Entrance Antiphon is a liturgical text in the Missale Romanum. Following the liturgical renewal of the Second Vatican Council, the Entrance Antiphon’s function, form, and content underwent significant changes based on renewal criteria. Its role has shifted, and it is no longer intended for chant but exclusively for recitation. The form now consists of a single antiphon, unaccompanied by psalm verses and the doxology of the Gloria Patri. While some texts from the old Missale have been retained in their original form, most have been modified to suit their function better. This study seeks to elucidate the method of this reform, trace the editorial history of these texts, and provide a historical analysis of their origin and evolution from the early centuries to the present day. The aim is to help readers understand the background and evolution of these texts, the criteria utilized by the Consilium <br>in the renewal, their theological significance, and their contemporary use. The conclusion of this study will underscore the dynamic nature of liturgy, constantly adapting to the needs of the times and its recipients. Ongoing updates and refinements will further enhance the congregation's comprehension of the mystery of the liturgical season. This study employs a historical-liturgical perspective through a comprehensive literature review.&nbsp;</p> Christianus Watu ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:12:18 +0700 Christology of Tuak-Tempayan: Christological Endeavors in the Land of Western Borneo <p>This paper presents Christological research conducted in Nanga Mahap (Sekadau, West Kalimantan). The main focus of this study is on the phenomenon of Tuak Tempayan, a significant cultural reality considered to hold a wealth of values with open possibilities for Christological interpretation for the teaching of faith. Tuak Tempayan can be a means ofCatechesis in explaining the reality of Jesus Christ who has divine and human nature, God and Man. The research was carried out using a new methodology called Phenomenological Research. This method is a phenomenological approach applied to the pure experience of an encounter within a culture and then validated through research to arrive at its original meaning. The results are then interpreted dialogically with Christology to arrive at a new meaning for catechesis and the transformation of faith life. Such an effort is nothing but doing Christology from the context, an attempt to understand Jesus Christ through localities and local contexts.</p> Fransiskus Nong Budi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:17:45 +0700 Disposisi, Kehendak Bebas, dan Kontingensi <p>This article discusses the long-standing philosophical challenge of integrating disposition, free will, and contingency. We place the above three realities into a coherent theoretical framework. Various disciplines have extensively studied the concepts of disposition, free will, and contingency. Nevertheless, their complex interrelationships still need to be more adequately explored. The result is a persistent dichotomy that gives rise to debates about causation, agency, and the reality of modalities. Thus, this article proposes a new framework called triadic relations to explain the mutual dependencies and emergent properties of the interaction of these fundamental ideas. The article uses a systematic synthesis approach of recent developments in dispositional essentialism, compatibilist theories of free will, and the metaphysics of the modal. We aim to show how dispositions provide the ontological foundation for free will and contingent possibilities. After all, free will operation actualizes specific potentials and introduces original novelty. This method offers an exciting resolution to the compatibilist libertarian debate by providing a new perspective on mental causation, moral responsibility, and the nature of contingency. Our findings suggest a dynamic ontology that transcends traditional philosophical categories. The findings redefine metaphysics, philosophy of mind, ethics, and interdisciplinary areas. Triadic relations emerge as a new paradigm for reconceptualizing the structure of reality and human agency to reshape the landscape of <br>&nbsp;philosophical inquiry.</p> Ubat Pahala Charles Silalahi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:21:30 +0700 Tradisi Perkawinan Adat Suku Sahu Dalam Perspektif Teologi Kristen di Jemaat GKPMI, Halmahera Barat <p>The interaction of Christianity along with the traditions that have developed since the arrival of Christianity in North Maluku, so that the harmonization of Christian teachings and the traditions of the Sahu tribe's traditional marriage in life practices is still reflected in daily activities. The author uses qualitative descriptive analysis with theological, historical, sociological, and anthropological approaches. The research findings indicate that the stages and processes of the Sahu tribe's traditional marriage are moloara siri or osam golo'o, which consist of several phases, namely: di'dingoto (delivery), haka waro (finding out), golo'o masomoar (entering and asking for the usual), silolara, (leveling), oro namo ma ngina (taking the bride and traditional party). Then moloara masibidi (elopement), moloaramasingata'a or osam ino (marriage by delivering oneself), moloara ngali ngasu'u (marriage by changing poles), moloara tatanu (marriage by enslaving oneself in the mother-in-law's house), moloar si cako'o (elopement/raided), moloara rabasa ngowa'a manga were'a (marriage by stealing someone else's wife/husband). The acculturation of the Sahu tribe's customary marriage to Christian marriage has become one result, the essence of the Sahu tribe's customary marriage tradition blends with the Christian marriage system, and the Christian marriage system is harmonized with the Sahu tribe's customary marriage tradition, and the customary marriage system, church marriage, and government complement each other and become inseparable from these stages</p> Daud A Ngamon, Julio Eleazer Nendissa, Freby M. Rares ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:27:43 +0700 Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia: Perspektif Filsafat Chuang Tzu <p>This article employs an expository-critical approach to Chuang Tzu‟s philosophical concept of equality of things and opinions. Its main purpose is to offer an alternative paradigm for religious moderation in Indonesia. The question that this article addressed is: “What is the relevance of Chuang Tzu‟s concept of the equality of objects and opinions for religious moderation in Indonesia?” This article finds that Chuang Tzu‟s philosophy provides an epistemological and metaphysical basis for religious moderation in Indonesia. Epistemologically, religions are the result of limited human contemplation, construction, and conception dealing with the Infinite Reality. Metaphysically, religions are equal because they originate from one and the same Infinite Reality. This epistemological-metaphysical frame guides different religions in Indonesia to maintain legal-formal commitments regarding the rights and freedoms of every citizen, accept differences and be flexible in religious insights, provide non-violent actions, and respect local wisdom. Finally, this article proposes that all problems that still hinder religious moderation in Indonesia can be solved through a humanist approach to radical religious groups, inter- and intra-religious dialogue, and dialogue between religion and local culture</p> Costantinus Fatlolon ##submission.copyrightStatement## Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:35:11 +0700