Forum filsafat, teologi en-US (Dr. Kurniawan Dwi Madyo Utomo) (Imilda Retno Arum Sari) Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:34:34 +0700 OJS 60 40 tahun Kitab Hukum Kanonik Gereja Katolik Latin (1983-2023). Historisitas – Amandemen – Analisis <p>The actual CIC of the Latin Catholic Church is 40 years old this year since it was first promulgated by Pope John Paul II on January 25, 1983. In its journey as universal law of the Latin Catholic Church, during three pontificates, all Popes have made amendments to it. This study intends to canonically analyze any juridical modifications or amendments sought by the Church Legislator regarding certain themes in the <em>Codex</em>. To get a more holistic context, as in the sub-title, the historical panorama of the birth of the ecclesiastical juridical system will first be synthesized. Then, all the modifications to universal law over the past 40 years, whether promulgated through Apostolic Letters in the form of <em>motu proprio</em> or in Apostolic Constitutions, will be presented. The purpose of this paper is to find the spirit and orientation behind the “revitalization” of the canonical norms in question, which must be in line with the ultimate goal of Church Law, namely the realization of the “salvation of the souls”.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Daniel Ortega Galed ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:31:54 +0700 Exploring the Complexity of the Book of Daniel: A Multifaceted Analysis <p>This research delves into the intricate layers of the Book of Daniel, seeking to unravel its complexities through a comprehensive examination. Emphasizing the historical and literary significance of the text, the study explores the multifaceted nature of the Book of Daniel, which has intrigued scholars for centuries. The primary objective is to illuminate various dimensions of complexity, including symbolic language, prophetic elements, and historical context. Employing a methodological approach that integrates literary analysis, historical investigation, and theological perspectives, the study aims to provide a holistic understanding of the Book of Daniel's intricacies. Positioned within ongoing scholarly discussions on biblical interpretation and prophecy, the research reveals that the Book of Daniel invites diverse approaches, incorporating historical, wisdom, prophetic, and apocalyptic perspectives. Comprehending the Book of Daniel's complexity contributes to bridging the gap between historical, literary, and theological viewpoints, thereby enriching our grasp of biblical texts and fostering scholarly discourse in this field.</p> Supriyono Venantius, Denes Fernando Costa da Silva ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 08:52:02 +0700 Place of Humans in Creation: A Re-Reading of Psalm 8 <p>The natural damage and global warming witnessed in the past two decades were forecasted over 50 years ago by the scholar Lynn White, who asserted that these environmental challenges stem from a misinterpretation of human dignity in the Holy Scripture. This paper commences with an exploration of White’s allegations, subsequently endeavoring to discern the authentic essence of human dignity from Psalm 8 and its positioning within the context of creation. The findings of this study underscore that a misapprehension of human dignity’s essence can indeed lead to errors in the stewardship of nature. Conversely, when human dignity is accurately understood, the positive outcome entails the vigilant and responsible care of the natural environment.</p> Charles Virgenius Setiawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 09:00:58 +0700 Asimilasi dengan Tuhan sebagai Tujuan Tertinggi Keutamaan <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong></p> <p>Dalam sejarah wacana filsafat, keutamaan merupakan salah satu tema penting dalam filsafat moral. Pada Abad Pencerahan, tema ini dikonseptualisasikan, salah satunya, dalam koridor metafisik-antropologis-etis. Tujuan utama dari keutamaan adalah untuk membantu manusia dalam melaksanakan tuntutan hukum moral yang rasional dan universal. Sementara itu, di masa kontemporer, diskusi bergerak ke definisi yang terpecah-pecah tanpa ada konsensus bersama. Namun, jika kembali ke era Yunani klasik, tema ini direnungkan dengan cara yang berbeda dan khas. Plotinus, misalnya, berdasarkan pembacaannya terhadap Plato, membawa permenungan tentang keutamaan ke dalam koridor religius. Sudut pandang Plotinus ini layak untuk disimak agar kita bisa melihat unsur yang lebih kaya dari keutamaan. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis teks terhadap Plotinus, <em>Enneads</em>, tulisan ini hendak menguraikan tesis dasar Plotinus tentang keutamaan yang menyatakan bahwa tujuan tertinggi keutamaan adalah asimilasi dengan Tuhan.</p> Yohanes Kukuh Cahyawicaksana ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ‘‘Aggiornamento’ dalam Visi Sinodal untuk Merespon Tantangan Gereja pada Millenium Ketiga <p>Gereja tidak pernah berjalan sendirian tetapi Roh Kudus selalu membimbing perjalanannya. Tantangan dan hambatan yang dihadapinya tidak pernah membatalkan tugas perutusan yang telah diterima dari Yesus. Janji Yesus untuk menyertai Gereja-Nya termanifestasi dalam sejarah baik lewat tokoh-tokoh yang dipilih-Nya maupun Roh-Nya yang menerangi hati dan pikiran umat-Nya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat semangat ‘aggiornamento’ dalam konteks gereja sinodal. Semangat ‘aggiornamento’ dalam Vatikan II dihidupkan kembali lewat seruan untuk berjalan bersama. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat kontinuitas dari Vatikan II dan eklesiologi sinodal dalam roh ‘aggiornamento’. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan tinjauan Pustaka. Peneliti mengkaji dan menganalisa visi Fransiskus tentang sinodalitas yang tertuang dalam berbagai kesempatan, dokumen Vatikan II dan pemikiran para teolog. Roh ‘aggiornamento’ yang bertiup kencang dalam Vatikan II terus berhembus hingga dewasa ini untuk membarui hidup Gereja baik ke dalam maupun ke luar agar karya keselamatan hadir bagi dunia.</p> Markus Situmorang ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:27:06 +0700 Racang Ngi’is sebagai Upacara Pendewasaan Diri Perempuan Riung-Flores (Tinjauan Filosofis-Antropologis Filsafat Nilai Max Scheler) <p>Fokus penelitian ini menggali nilai-nilai etis yang terkandung dalam upacara <em>Racang Ngi’is</em> dan mengelaborasikan dengan konsep nilai menurut Max Scheler. <em>Racang Ngi’is</em> adalah upacara pendewasaan diri perempuan Riung-Flores. Setiap gadis Riung yang dipandang dewasa secara adat dan siap membina hidup rumah tangga harus melewati upacara tersebut. Akan tetapi, saat ini upacara <em>Racang Ngi’is </em>kurang diminati baik oleh generasi muda maupun masyarakat Riung. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya; pertama, tidak ditemukan sumber tertulis tentang tata cara pelaksanaan upacara <em>Racang Ngi’is. </em>Kedua biaya yang cukup malah dan ketiga kaum muda Riung lebih tertarik terhadap budaya asing. Akibatnya, banyak gadis yang hidup berumah tangga tanpa melaksanakan upacara <em>Racang Ngi’is </em>terlebih dahulu. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur terkait tulisan-tulisan yang membahas tema penelitian dan mewawancarai beberapa narasumber sebagai sumber primer penelitian. Peneliti juga mengkaji beberapa artikel yang membahas proses pendewasaan diri di beberapa daerah seperti Nagekeo, Sabu, dan Bali sebagai sumber sekunder. Peneliti menemukan bahwa upacara <em>Racang Ngi’is </em>memiliki empat nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya yakni nilai kegembiraan, sosial, kepercayaan dan religius. Nilai-nilai tersebut memiliki tingkatan atau hierarki nilai dari yang terendah (kegembiraan) sampai tertinggi (religius).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>This research explores the ethical values contained in the Racang Ngi'is ceremony and elaborates on the concept of value according to Max Scheler. Racang Ngi'is is a coming-of-age ceremony for Riung-Flores women. Every Riung girl who is considered mature by custom and ready to build a household must go through the ceremony. However, currently the Racang Ngi'is ceremony is of less interest to both the younger generation and the Riung community. This is due to several factors including; firstly, no written sources were found about the procedures for performing the Racang Ngi'is ceremony. Secondly, the cost is quite prohibitive and thirdly the youth of Riung are more interested in foreign cultures. As a result, many girls married without performing the Racang Ngi'is ceremony first. The researcher used a qualitative method with a literature study approach related to writings that discuss the research theme and interviewed several sources as primary sources of research. The researcher also reviewed several articles that discussed the process of self-maturation in several regions such as Nagekeo, Sabu, and Bali as secondary sources. The researcher found that the Racang Ngi'is ceremony has four values contained in it, namely joy, social, belief and religious values. These values have a level or hierarchy of values from the lowest (joy) to the highest (religious).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Firgianus Botu, Kurniawan Dwi Madyo Utomo ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:29:52 +0700 “In Fear and Night” - The Faithful Disciple in The Burial of Jesus: Narrative Reading on John 19:38-42 <p>The burial of Jesus is an important aspect for Christian community to understand the meaning of salvation story. In his narrative on the burial of Jesus, John figure out three characters (Joseph of Arimathea, Pilate and Nicodemus) at the last moment of Jesus in specific way. Pilate who was fear of Jews still has authority, as the reference for Joseph of Arimathea to ask for permission in order to take the body of Jesus. In this exegetical study and narrative reading on John 19,38-42, I use the character study to approach the text as one-unit narrative. I will find out how a narrator uses setting, plot, rhetoric, and character to persuade the reader to adopt his evaluative point of view. I will argue that the burial of Jesus was the moment for them to declare themselves publicly as the true disciple of Jesus and risk their identity as Jews. By touching the death body, they made themselves impure for Jews feast, but they draw themselves near to the one who come to bring the eternal life.</p> Paulus Halek Bere ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 29 Apr 2024 11:28:56 +0700