filsafat, teologiSekolah Tinggi Teologia dan Filsafat Widya Sasanaen-USForum0853-0726Dimensi Kemanusiaan Seorang Imam: Tinjauan Etika Kebajikan Kristiani
<p>The reality of scandals involving priests in the Catholic Church has recently caused deep wounds to the Church. This fact also requires the Church to pay serious attention to the human formation of her priests. This study aims to retrace the human qualities of a priest that can contribute to the development of virtues necessary in his vocation and priestly ministry. By utilizing an analytical study of texts and various official Church documents, the authors seek to bring to the fore the main qualities that the Church requires and expects from a priest. As a result, firstly, the author finds that there is a correlation between the personal qualities of a priest and the development of the virtues required in the vocation and ministry of the priesthood. Secondly, the study also found that it is important for these human qualities to be shaped during the process of formation throughout life, so that they become virtues that are deeply rooted in a priest and his ministry.</p> <p> </p>Paskalis LinaDominggus Mite Kota
2024-10-312024-10-3153211113010.35312/forum.v53i2.657Menjadi Sahabat Sejati Teladan Kemartiran dari Santo Maximiliam Kolbe
<p>Modern human life is characterized by the centrality of the individual. The negative effect is that human attitudes tend to be individualistic or egoistic, which can erode the solidarity and altruist spirit of people who want to be friends for others. Thus, the challenge to become a true friend is self-sacrifice. This paper aims to show as an example that there are still people who dare to sacrifice for others. From his spirit people can learn and take inspiration. This research intends to answer the question of whether there are still people in this modern world who can be used as examples of true friends. The author uses a historical approach and theological reflection, as well as a qualitative method of literature study. The results of this study show that being a friend is not a gift from birth, but a natural ability that can be cultivated and learned, as well as a supernatural power that can be invoked in commitment and spiritual fervor.</p>Lorentius IswandirRafael Isharianto
2024-10-312024-10-3153213114210.35312/forum.v53i2.684How does the Dramatic Theology Approach to Purgatory Contribute to the Idea of Merciful Justice in the Case of Sexual Abuse in the Church?
<p>In cases of serious and complex sexual abuse, the exercise of mercy raises serious controversies and problems regarding the justice that victims of sexual violence deserve. Merciful justice is the idea that under certain conditions it is justified to exercise mercy to the extent that it does more good than harm and does not cause injustice to the victim. Restorative justice, forgiveness, and reconciliation are conditions that allow for the exercise of merciful justice in cases of sexual abuse. Merciful justice is possible in sexual abuse cases when all three conditions are achieved (through long, complicated, and arduous stages and processes). This article offers the idea that the Dramatic Theology approach to purgatory helps to deepen the idea of merciful justice in specific cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Merciful Justice, Dramatic Theology, Purgatory, Restorative Justice, Forgiveness, Reconciliation.</strong></p>Yosafat Roni Sentosa
2024-10-312024-10-3153214316010.35312/forum.v53i2.687Welas Asih sebagai Spiritualitas Perjumpaan
<p>Peristiwa inkarnasi adalah upaya Allah untuk berjumpa dengan manusia dan hidup di tengah-tengah mereka dan bersama-sama dengan mereka, melalui diri Yesus Sang Putra. Kehadiran-Nya di dunia menandakan bahwa Allah senantiasa mewahyukan cinta-Nya kepada manusia dalam sejarah keselamatan. Pewahyuan cinta Allah semakin tampak secara konkret dalam perkataan dan tindakan Yesus kepada manusia selama di dunia dan berpuncak pada peristiwa kematian-Nya di kayu salib. Dalam kebersamaan-Nya bersama para murid, Yesus tiada henti-henti-Nya mengajarkan dan melakukan cinta Bapa-Nya dalam welas asih-Nya kepada manusia. Pengajaran dan teladan inilah yang kemudian menjadi dasar bagi para murid Yesus untuk berwelas asih dalam perjumpaan mereka dengan sesama manusia. Dengan mendalami dan menganalisa pengertian, pendapat para teolog, dan ajaran Yesus tentang welas asih dan tindakan-Nya yang berwelas asih, penelitian ini hendak menawarkan sebuah spiritualitas yang dapat dihidupi setiap murid Yesus dalam perutusannya di zaman ini agar mereka mampu menjadi sesama bagi yang miskin dan menderita.</p> <p> </p>Antonius Hari Purnanto
2024-10-312024-10-3153216118010.35312/forum.v53i2.685Pengaruh Ekaristi Pada Kehidupan Umat; Penelitian Di Keuskupan Agung Palembang Dan Keuskupan Agung Makassar
<p>The church considers that the Eucharist and the daily life of Christians are an inseparable unity. Active participation in the Eucharist is not limited only to liturgical rituals alone but should also be reflected in the daily lives of Christians. In this study, the author aims to examine the significance of the Eucharist as lived by the faithful in receiving the body of Christ in everyday life. This study was conducted using quantitative methods to answer the research question: Does receiving the body of Christ help the faithful realize their faith in everyday life? Various questions were posed to respondents via <em>Google Form</em>. The results showed that in the Archdiocese of Palembang and the Archdiocese of Makassar, receiving the body of Christ has a significant impact on daily life. This sacrament fosters a sense of solidarity and togetherness among the faithful and even encourages active participation in social activities and community service. Thus, it is hoped that the results of this study will inspire the faithful in other dioceses to better appreciate the meaning of the Eucharist in everyday life.</p>Yohanes SubaliBlasius Dinda AnugrahaGregorius Rupang
2024-10-312024-10-3153218119310.35312/forum.v53i2.689Adat Sabat Sebatatn Banua Simpakng dan Perspektif Gereja Katolik: Sebuah Komparasi
<p>This study analyzes the Sabat Sebatatn marriage custom in Banua Simpakng and compares it with the marriage ceremony in the Catholic Church through a literature study approach. Through in-depth analysis of relevant texts and literature sources, the research illustrates the essential differences between the two marriage systems. The Sabat Sebatatn custom in the local cultural context of Banua Simpakng emphasizes family and community togetherness in a series of rituals rich in meaning. Catholic Church marriage, on the other hand, is spiritually oriented with an emphasis on spiritual commitment between the couple. This comparison provides insight into how marriage customs and religion co-exist in shaping marriage norms in society. By integrating a qualitative perspective and desk research, this study provides a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between local traditions and global religion in the context of marriage.</p>Fransesco Agnes RanubayaVincentius Septian KrisnandaYohanes Endi